laser printer

Many types of printers are the kind of good use, but I found laser printer in our office like a lot of people are not used to look like, do not know why they are not used to, and later learned that they were accustomed to before printer, a laser printer and now they feel like very smoothly, and I think that is a process of adaptation, as before, or if they use it, is not so sure, so that I think that we should teach them methods can but they seem very willing to do that kind of thing, do not know how they think, since that’s the case I would not have control of





half case

With the camera, I think if there is no such camera set half case, then is a very troublesome thing, but I did not actually say that her boyfriend is the same camera half case, I said I do not know, sometimes I think, is I did not do that thing when you do not carefully thought about these questions, because I feel like I think it is possible, then I would not go to consider other things, because I think half case this camera case very good, so that you do not control, but sometimes I still think I was not too concerned about my own feelings, rather than to consider other factors of it.


I this person is not what pressure, if the pressure of words I could not sleep, this time I know there are so many Loan in our home, I want is I don’t get those Loan finish, what also don’t know what to do, my home people say you look at yourself, actually all is our thing, what is the relationship with you, you will see Loan how many, I say I do not understand the words, I think it is not practical, so the type of I is, so that there will be such a problem, I in fact do not know now I exactly how, if there is Loan haven’t finished it, then I think exactly what to do.



台北 太陽餅

很久都沒有吃過台北 太陽餅了,我現在很是想念台北 太陽餅的味道,有的時候你自己不去吃什麼東西,那麼你肯定會想,我就是那樣的類型,其實那些台北 太陽餅也說不上有多麼的好吃,但是你吃了之後就會覺得好像很不錯,我家裡的人都說, 看看你現在都成什麼樣子了,還要吃台北 太陽餅,我說我胖了也和吃台北 太陽餅沒有什麼關係吧,他們就是那樣,想要說你的話,就不會有任何的理由,我覺得自己很委屈,但是我又不得不那樣去做,因為我知道有的時候就是那樣的事情。

Light tent

You learn to do something, then we must try to learn, I do not like you learn scanty, but sometimes it seems no matter how hard you still the case, in that case you have no way, in fact, I see that I to my friends in learning Light tent, I said at the time to learn photography Light tent not have to learn to do, he said, you do not know how hard Light tent for me, my other are doing very good, but it is Light tent mastered well, I do not know how to do, I think my friend for his own shortcomings is very understanding, but I feel like I would not have that kind of consciousness, I do not know how to engage.




剛剛找了一家銀行, 也跟他們談好了貸款的相關事情,因為我想擴大公司的規模,可是公司現有的資金鏈不夠用了,於是我就想到了可以跟銀行申請貸款,到時候我每個月固定得給銀行還貸就行了,我是這麼想的,而剛好我老婆也在銀行上班呢,於是我通過正常手續辦理好了貸款之後,現在已經派公司員工幫我們的公司搬家了。當然這也是為了滿足客戶的需求,因為我的公司這幾年效益也不錯,所以貸款得事情也就理所當然得給辦下來了。