Trend Micro

Sister is busy every day to get home late, these days I want to talk with her good, want to ask what she recently in research and development, but I can not see the elder sister, because I haven’t up when she was walking in the morning, at night when I come back, I have been sleeping, so I want to ask she only made a phone call, but again afraid bother her, I found my sister didn’t go to work at home this morning, I quickly asked my sister how so busy recently, elder sister say they have recently developed a new kind of Trend Micro, this kind of Trend Micro is much better than before, and in order to make the Trend Micro listed, so they have been in the research and development, work overtime to hear elder sister say so, I didn’t understand the elder sister so time so busy, I also hope that their research and development of the Trend Micro can get the welcome of people.